Article: Fatigue strength test laboratory
Force, distance, strain, material tension, acceleration, temperature, pressure
We conduct many different types of fatigue strength test:
- Tests in our stationary test laboratory (comprehensive equipment with designated testing areas, servohydraulic cylinders, measuring equipment for force, distance, strain, acceleration and pressure)
- On-track measurements and testing
- Measurements at the customer
- Calculations: We also have a high level of know-how in performing calculations to theoretically assess complex issues.
Accredited test procedures
- DB Systemtechnik is QMS certified to the ISO 9001 standard.
- Our test laboratory in Minden is accredited by Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH (DAkkS) in the area of fatigue strength tests for rail vehicles in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025.
- The accreditation encompasses the relevant test procedures. See the appendix for the accreditation certificate.
- The detailed and latest list of activities/test procedures in the flexible scope of accreditation in the testing laboratory "Fatigue strength" can be found in this PDF:
Our tests and test quantities
We can carry out the following tests:
The test procedures designated with an asterisk (*) are accredited by Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:
- Operational measurement for analysing loads and component loads*
- Fatigue strength tests for bogie frames*, axle shafts*, solid wheels*, buffing and draw gear and permanent way components
- Experimental strength verifications of rail vehicles (pressure tests)*, tests in the hump yard*
- Pressure-change function tests for side windows*
- Function tests for hydraulic dampers
- Strength and function tests for vehicle springs
- Strength tests for wheelset bearing housings
- Strength tests for interior fittings
- Strength tests for permanent way components
- Strength tests for rail track/rail track welds
- Performance tests for wheelset bearings*
- Operational vibration analyses
Our stationary test stand
More information is available here.
We can realise specific test arrangements with the support structures of a modular system. We generate test loads in the laboratory using a servohydraulic apparatus, with cylinders rated from 25 kN to 1,000 kN available. Measuring equipment includes force sensors, strain gauges, accelerometers, distance sensors, pressure sensors and temperature sensors that cover the range of loads and stresses encountered during operation.
We are also equipped with rotational bending test stands for wheel and shaft tests, axle box test stands, a pressure-change test stand for side windows, a load frame for bodies and a hump yard.
Calculation tools: We have access to commonly accepted computational software such as ANSYS® , Hypermesh® , Simpack® and MatLab®.