Fuels test laboratory

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  • Article: Fuels test laboratory

    Quality assurance, condition analysis

    Everything from a single source: By examining fuels in refueling facilities, tank wagons and vehicle tanks, we make an active contribution to quality assurance and in detecting and avoiding damage to components early on.

    Accredited test procedures

    • The proficiency of our test laboratories in Munich for testing in the following areas was accredited by Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH (DAkkS): physical, physical-chemical and chemical analyses of fuels; sampling of fuels.
    • The entire list of our accredited test procedures can be found in our ​accreditation certificate.
    • DB Systemtechnik is QMS certified to the ISO 9001 standard.

    The detailed and latest list of activities/test procedures in the flexible scope of accreditation in the testing laboratory "Fuels" can be found in this PDF:
    Prüflabor Tribologie-Tribotechnik - Aktuelle Liste Prüfverfahren im flexiblen Akkredtierungsbereich (Stand 29.06.2022)

    Our tests and test quantities


    We can realize the following test conditions:

    • State-of-the-art analysis methods
    • Use of innovative methods, such as particle counting in the bypass
    • Development of technical specifications
    • Development of application-specific test methods
    • Approval tests according to technical specifications
    • Conformity tests for quality control of oils
    • Release testing of new products
    • Condition analysis of oils to optimize deadlines in maintenance
    • Inexpensive processes through LIMS application

    We offer these exams:

    The complete portfolio of our testing options can be found in the list of testing methods.

    List of test procedure in tribology

    Assessment of the condition of used lubricating oils

    As experts in the field of oil analysis, we offer you competent services for the monitoring and maintenance of your diesel engines, transmissions, hydraulic systems and other components.

    Our analyzes are an essential criterion for the condition assessment, a tool for early detection and avoidance of damage to your components and thus the guarantee to ensure your oil quality.

    Basis for the optimization of your maintenance costs through condition-dependent oil change intervals.

    On-site particle counting of hydraulic oils

    We come to you with our measuring device, connect it to the oil circuit as a bypass and can immediately make a statement about the cleanliness class according to ISO of your hydraulic oil.

    Quality assurance in the supply of lubricants

    A supply of high-quality lubricants to ensure trouble-free operation is of crucial importance for every utility company. We develop specifications and test procedures, carry out release tests and check every batch of safety and operationally relevant lubricants for compliance with the requirements before they are delivered. We try to qualify several suppliers for each type of lubricant and audit these manufacturers.

    Compatibility tests

    Can I mix the oils? What interactions are there with the sealing materials used? Why is the system no longer working? We answer these and numerous other questions, among other things, through compatibility studies, which are also appropriately included in the DB specifications. For this purpose, mixtures are produced in different ratios and application-related tests are carried out. We can carry out elastomer compatibility with original components and thus receive direct results for the application.