DAC test train starts its journey through Europe with DB Systemtechnik!

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Article: DAC test train starts its journey through Europe with DB Systemtechnik!

Equipped with the digital automatic coupling, the test train will be on the move in several countries from the beginning of February.

(Berlin, 19 January 2022) The digital automatic coupling is entering its next testing phase. After almost 2,000 individual tests, German Federal Transport Minister Volker Wissing and DB Board Members Daniela Gerd tom Markotten (Digitalization and Technology) and Sigrid Nikutta (Freight Transport) symbolically waved the DAC4EU freight train, which has been financed by the German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport, off on further test runs through Europe last Wednesday, 19 January.

Dr. Jörg Wojahn, Leiter der Vertretung der Europäischen Kommission in Deutschland; Dr. Sigrid Nikutta, DB-Vorstandin für Güterverkehr; Dr. Volker Wissing, Bundesminister für Digitales und Verkehr; Dr. Daniela Gerd tom Markotten, DB-Vorständin für Digitalisierung und Technik (v. l. n. r.)


Test requirements: Steeper gradients, tighter curves, different climates

Equipped with the digital automatic coupling, the DAC4EU demonstration train will be on the move in several countries from the beginning of February, testing out different driving situations, steeper gradients, tighter curves or different climatic conditions.

The first destination is Austria and then it's off to Switzerland. After that, other EU countries such as Poland, the Czech Republic and France are on the agenda.

DB Systemtechnik involved in all phases of the DAC development project

DB Systemtechnik was already involved in the first phase of the development project, which was about investigating the fundamental suitability of the various digital automatic couplings.

Now the experts from the testing and engineering service provider are lending their support during the DAC test runs through Europe too, for which the train has been fitted with the selected DAC Scharfenberg coupler.

As part of the DAC research project funded by the German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport, DB Systemtechnik was commissioned by the DAC4EU consortium to act as the rail company coordinating the test train's journeys. At the same time, the testing and engineering service provider also provides measurement results in braking technology, fatigue strength, vehicle dynamics, and data and power transmission for the client.

Extra track geometry car for power and data lines

DB Systemtechnik uses a separate track geometry car to check the air, power and data lines required for the automatic coupling (see picture at top of page). We would like to take this opportunity to thank DB Cargo for providing this vehicle.

Info on the DAC4EU European consortium
(Members: Deutsche Bahn, DB Cargo, SBB Cargo, Rail Cargo Austria, Ermewa, GATX Rail Europe und VTG)

The DAC4EU (Digital Automatic Coupling for Europe) European consortium is testing the use of the digital automatic coupling (DAC) in rail freight transport. To this end, six companies from Germany, Austria, Switzerland and France have been awarded the contract for the "DAC Demonstration Train for Rail Freight Transport" ("DAK Demonstrator für den Schienengüterverkehr") research project by the German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV).

Members of the DAC4EU consortium are Deutsche Bahn and its subsidiary DB Cargo, the Swiss and Austrian freight operating companies SBB Cargo and Rail Cargo Austria, as well as the wagon keepers Ermewa, GATX Rail Europe and VTG. The research project is being funded by the BMDV to the tune of around EUR 13 million and runs from June 2020 to December 2022.

More informations: www.dac4.eu

DB press release from 19 January 2022 on the launch of the DAC test train.

All information about the launch can be found here