Article: Tests for vehicles
Tests, examinations and trials on the finished test object for safe, reliable and economic use in railway operations.
Checks, examinations and tests on the finished test object for safe, reliable and economical use in railway operations.
- Acceptance of the test object
- Planning and control of all necessary checks/tests including any necessary on-line running tests
- Drafting of no-objection certificates
- Implementation of the risk management procedure for on-line running tests, including assessment by an AsBo
- ETCS-network access tests & application for network access for on-line running tests
- Application for timetables for the on-line running tests
- Performing the on-line running tests (also with our own drivers/traction units)
- Preparation of assessments and expert opinions for network access/approval notice of the licensing authority
- Delivery of all test reports
- Testing of systems that require monitoring, such as tanks, batteries, pressure or steam boilers
We perform tests in the following disciplines:
- Aerodynamics
- Acoustics and vibrations
- Propulsion technology
- Battery technology
- Fatigue strength test
- Fire safety assessment
- Braking systems test
- Running characteristics testing
- Radio communication, Transmission, GSM-R
- Glass Testing
- Information systems
- Isulating oils
- Air conditioning
- Fuels test
- Oils
- Wheel/rail contact
- Lubricating greases
- Spectroscopy
- Pantograph opverhead
- Tribological examination
- Environmental conditions
- Non-destructive testing
- Buffer and draw gear