Article: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
Protection of people, compatibility with implants, calculations ...
We support you with your questions about the topic "electromagnetic compatibility":
- Electromagnetic fields in the track area, influence of signaling systems and technical equipment by electromagnetic fields or electricity (e.g. LST components, cables, pipes)
- Compatibility of vehicles with track vacancy detection systems: -Track circuits (interference current) -Track sensors (e.g. axle counters, wheel sensors, level crossing loops)
- Influencing/compatibility of security systems (Support and implementation of projects for fault analysis or limit value derivation)
- Lightning/surge protection of signaling systems
- Definition of EMC requirements in specifications (vehicles)
- we create driving and short-circuit current diagrams as a working basis for influence calculations (16.7 Hz) and
- work with various EU projects (e.g. EUREMCO, ECUC)
Our gear If necessary, we will call in our test laboratories for your questions, e.g Prüflabor Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit (EMV) in Munich.