Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) test laboratory

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  • Article: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) test laboratory

    Compatibility of vehicles with track circuits, influence on signalling equipment, etc.

    We offer test procedures to analyse the following during test and examination routines conducted in the laboratory and on track

    • The compatibility of vehicles with track circuits or track sensors
    • The influence on safety equipment caused by electric and magnetic fields
    • The components and systems in the EMC laboratory

    Accredited test procedures

    • Our test laboratory in Munich is accredited by Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH (DAkkS) in the area of EMC testing on rail vehicles in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025.
    • The accreditation encompasses the test procedures listed in the details. See also the appendix of the accreditation certificate.
    • DB Systemtechnik is QMS certified to the ISO 9001 standard.

    The detailed and latest list of activities/test procedures in the flexible scope of accreditation in the testing laboratory "EMC" can be found in this PDF:

    Prüflabor EMV- Aktuelle Liste Prüfverfahren im flexiblen Akkreditierungsbereich (Stand 28.09.2023)

    Our tests and test quantities


    We can realise the following test conditions:
    Analysis of the compatibility of vehicles with track circuits*:

    • Measurements i.a.w. guideline 807.0201/.0205 and regulations TR-EMC01 + TR-EMC02 as part of vehicle authorisation for electric vehicles (e.g. locomotives, traction units), diesel-electric vehicles with electric power supply equipment (e.g. train bus-bar) and for coaches

    Analysis of the compatibility of vehicles with track sensors such as axle counters, wheel sensors and level crossing installations*:

    • Measurement i.a.w. regulation TR-EMC03 + TR-EMC04 as part of vehicle authorisation

    Analysis of the influence on safety equipment:

    • Caused by electric and magnetic fields in railway operations (vehicle - infrastructure, infrastructure - infrastructure)

    Analysis of components/systems:

    • in the EMC laboratory (including Helmholtz coil)

    *) Accredited test procedure (D-PL-11081-01-03)

    Our stationary test facilitie


    München, Völckerstraße 5


    Stationary measurements

    • Interference immunity analysis of components (e.g. axle counters, GPE) against magnetic fields
    • Calibration of magnetic field probes and magnetometers
    Test field
    • The superimposition of both fields results in an area with a largely homogeneous magnetic field between the two coils near the coil axis, which is freely accessible for experiments.